The EUR / USD Debate in Light of the Current Global Economic Recession

The truth of the matter is that the dollar has become considerably weak in recent times. When the Bush administration plunged the US into war in Iraq, a trade deficit was the most immediate outcome. This weakened the dollar to a large extent. The long-term outcome was that many investors switched from the dollar to the Euro.

Another outcome of a reduced volume of trade in dollars is the increase in the prices of oil. The US economy is reeling from the effects of a biting recession although no negative growth has been reported. This is very true although the first quarter of a negative trend in growth has not yet been witnessed. Technically, there have to be two quarters of negative growth for a recession to be said to exist.

The American mortgage crisis has affected the value of the dollar against the Euro. Many realtors have stopped buying. They are standing by the fence waiting for the next shift in property prices before they can make a purchase. The mortgage in the US has spread its fangs into the UK where several banks have found themselves in liquidity crisis. One of these banks is Northern Bank, a renowned mortgage lender.

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Currency Trading Tips

Every forex trader understands that there is no rule of thumb that is followed in order to arrive at an all-round solution in currency trading. Every online forex trader works within the dictates of the trading framework that has been provided to him. Every framework comes with custom-made solutions that only work in specific instances of forex trading.

A high sense of awareness is therefore called for when one starts on a new system. Each trade must be approached with the highest possible level of energy and unending enthusiasm for optimum financial benefits to be realized. Although currency trading is naturally highly unpredictable, there are pointers that foretell trouble. These pointers ought to be followed for the trader to steer his investment portfolios away from danger zones.

All the currency trading tips discussed here ought to be incorporated into your particular system; they should not take its place though.

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What Really Brings About Currency Crises?

Many investors and international financiers have within the last two decades been caught off-guard by currency crises. Their knee-jerk responses to small economic tremors have always been in the form of capital flight and runs on different currencies. Many people argue that it is such reactions that really cause earth-shaking currency crises.

What analysts are sure about is the fact that many investors don’t take time to understand the market dynamics before making their decisions. They rely on their instincts at the expense of the economyĆ­s minutia. A currency crisis is said to have occurred when there is a sharp decline in the value of an economy’s currency. Such a decline creates much instability in areas like exchange rates.

In simpler terms, a currency crisis is the result of an interaction of very many factors. One of these factors is investor expectations.

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